First International Workshop on Social human behavior Analysis through Online social networks and media (SAO18)

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2018/08/28 18:00 Europe/Rome
2018/08/28 18:00 Europe/Rome
Barcelona, Spain
Online Social Networks and Media (OSNEM) are among the most disruptive communication platforms of the last 15 years with high socio-economic value. On the one hand, OSNEM represent a challenging technical environment for computer scientists working in academia and industry, to develop new generations of collaborative platforms and their services. On the other hand, the digital footprints that people leave in OSNEM provide a unique source to investigate and understand (by exploiting BigData analytics) people's behavior (e.g., mobility patterns, opinions and interests spreading), and human relationships in the society. It clearly emerges nowadays, that many social phenomena related to, among others, well-being, social cooperation, information diffusion and opinion formation, urban life, trust, can be effectively analyzed, measured and predicted through large-scale datasets collected from OSNEM, thanks to BigData Analytics. SAO aims to provide an interdisciplinary reference forum focusing on the use of OSNEM as a “BigData microscope” to investigate the human social behavior. Therefore, both tools and techniques to “build” (or improve) such a microscope, as well as results from the analysis of data obtained through this microscope, are welcome in the workshop. SAO aims at engaging researchers working (i) on efficient methods, tools and techniques to search for, collect and analyze large-scale datasets from OSNEM, as well as (ii) on analyzing and characterizing human social behaviors through OSNEM.
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