Mazzoni Federico

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Ph.D. Student
Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa (DI-UNIPI)






Yesterday the Italian Ministry for Technological Innovation and Digitization has established a new Task Force for the Covid-19 Emergency.

Yesterday the Italian Ministry for Technological Innovation and Digitization has established a new Task Force for the Covid-19 Emergency.

La polarizzazione, spiega il professor Dino Pedreschi dell'Università di Pisa, è un fenomeno che esiste già da prima del digitale. Ci piace maledettamente avere ragione ed essere esposti a opinioni che rafforzano la nostra opinione.

Dino Pedreschi has been interviewed for the Workshops to design a Human Centered AI roadmap in Europe, in the context of the Humane-AI project.

Di recente la Pisa University Press ha pubblicato un piccolo racconto scritto da Marco Malvaldi, con la copertina illustrata da Tuono Pettinato in cui l'autore rivisita la vita e la carriera di Franco Turini.

Sul piano delle risorse umane legate all’intelligenza artificiale si dovrebbe seguire l’esempio olandese e tedesco e lanciare un piano straordinario di reclutamento di professori e ricercatori specializzati.

Salvatore Rinzivillo has been interviewed for the Workshops to design a Human Centered AI roadmap in Europe, in the context of the Humane-AI project.

The ERC Advanced Grant XAI “Science & technology for the eXplanation of AI decision making”, led by Fosca Giannotti of the Italian CNR, in collaboration with the PhD program in “Data Science” by Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, invites applic

The ERC Advanced Grant XAI “Science & technology for the eXplanation of AI decision making”, led by Fosca Giannotti of the Italian CNR, in collaboration with the PhD program in “Data Science” by Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, invites applic

The ERC Advanced Grant XAI “Science & technology for the eXplanation of AI decision making”, led by Fosca Giannotti of the Italian CNR, in collaboration with the PhD program in “Data Science” by Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, invites applic
