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R. Guidotti, Monreale, A., and Rinzivillo, S., Learning Data Mining, in 2018 IEEE 5th International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA)2018 IEEE 5th International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA), 2018.
R. Guidotti, Monreale, A., Ruggieri, S., Pedreschi, D., Turini, F., and Giannotti, F., Local Rule-Based Explanations of Black Box Decision Systems, 2018.
G. Rossetti, Milli, L., Rinzivillo, S., Sirbu, A., Pedreschi, D., and Giannotti, F., NDlib: a python library to model and analyze diffusion processes over complex networks, International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, vol. 5, pp. 61–79, 2018.
D. Pedreschi, Giannotti, F., Guidotti, R., Monreale, A., Pappalardo, L., Ruggieri, S., and Turini, F., Open the Black Box Data-Driven Explanation of Black Box Decision Systems, 2018.
R. Guidotti, Rossetti, G., Pappalardo, L., Giannotti, F., and Pedreschi, D., Personalized Market Basket Prediction with Temporal Annotated Recurring Sequences, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2018.
F. Pratesi, Monreale, A., Trasarti, R., Giannotti, F., Pedreschi, D., and Yanagihara, T., PRUDEnce: a system for assessing privacy risk vs utility in data sharing ecosystems, Transactions on Data Privacy, vol. 11, 2018.
F. Giannotti, Trasarti, R., Bontcheva, K., and Grossi, V., SoBigData: Social Mining & Big Data Ecosystem, in Companion of the The Web Conference 2018 on The Web Conference 2018, 2018.
R. Guidotti, Monreale, A., Ruggieri, S., Turini, F., Giannotti, F., and Pedreschi, D., A survey of methods for explaining black box models, ACM computing surveys (CSUR), vol. 51, p. 93, 2018.
M. Ferretti, Barlacchi, G., Pappalardo, L., Lucchini, L., and Lepri, B., Weak nodes detection in urban transport systems: Planning for resilience in Singapore, in 2018 IEEE 5th international conference on data science and advanced analytics (DSAA), 2018.
R. Guidotti, Monreale, A., and Pedreschi, D., The AI black box Explanation Problem, ERCIM NEWS, pp. 12–13, 2019.
A. Sirbu, Pedreschi, D., Giannotti, F., and Kertész, J., Algorithmic bias amplifies opinion fragmentation and polarization: A bounded confidence model, PloS one, vol. 14, p. e0213246, 2019.
D. Morelli, Rossi, A., Cairo, M., and Clifton, D. A., Analysis of the Impact of Interpolation Methods of Missing RR-intervals Caused by Motion Artifacts on HRV Features Estimations, Sensors, vol. 19, p. 3163, 2019.
B. Qureshi, Kamiran, F., Karim, A., Ruggieri, S., and Pedreschi, D., Causal inference for social discrimination reasoning, Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, pp. 1–13, 2019.
G. Rossetti, Milli, L., and Cazabet, R., CDLIB: a python library to extract, compare and evaluate communities from complex networks, Applied Network Science, vol. 4, p. 52, 2019.
R. Cazabet and Rossetti, G., Challenges in community discovery on temporal networks, in Temporal Network Theory, Springer, 2019, pp. 181–197.
L. Milli and Rossetti, G., Community-Aware Content Diffusion: Embeddednes and Permeability, in International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications, 2019.
S. Citraro and Rossetti, G., A complex network approach to semantic spaces: How meaning organizes itself, in SEBD, 2019.
S. Bruestle, Pappalardo, L., and Guidotti, R., Defining Geographic Markets from Probabilistic Clusters: A Machine Learning Algorithm Applied to Supermarket Scanner Data, Available at SSRN 3452058, 2019.
G. Calogiuri, Johansen, P. Foss, Rossi, A., and Thurston, M., Do “girls just wanna have fun”? Participation trends and motivational profiles of women in Norway’s ultimate mass participation ski event, Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 10, p. 2548, 2019.
R. Portocarre Sarmento, Lemos, L., Cordeiro, M., Rossetti, G., and Cardoso, D., DynComm R Package–Dynamic Community Detection for Evolving Networks, arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.01498, 2019.
S. Citraro and Rossetti, G., Eva: Attribute-Aware Network Segmentation, in International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications, 2019.
G. Rossetti, Exorcising the Demon: Angel, Efficient Node-Centric Community Discovery, in International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications, 2019.
C. Panigutti, Guidotti, R., Monreale, A., and Pedreschi, D., Explaining multi-label black-box classifiers for health applications, in International Workshop on Health Intelligence, 2019.
R. Guidotti, Monreale, A., Giannotti, F., Pedreschi, D., Ruggieri, S., and Turini, F., Factual and Counterfactual Explanations for Black Box Decision Making, IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2019.
L. Pappalardo, Barlacchi, G., Pellungrini, R., and Simini, F., Human Mobility from theory to practice: Data, Models and Applications, in Companion of The 2019 World Wide Web Conference, WWW 2019, San Francisco, CA, USA, May 13-17, 2019., 2019.
