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L. Pappalardo, Simini, F., Rinzivillo, S., Pedreschi, D., and Giannotti, F., Comparing General Mobility and Mobility by Car, in Computational Intelligence and 11th Brazilian Congress on Computational Intelligence (BRICS-CCI CBIC), 2013 BRICS Congress on, 2013.
P. Cintia, Pappalardo, L., and Pedreschi, D., "Engine Matters": {A} First Large Scale Data Driven Study on Cyclists' Performance, in 13th {IEEE} International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, {ICDM} Workshops, TX, USA, December 7-10, 2013, 2013.
G. Rossetti, Pappalardo, L., and Pedreschi, D., Measuring tie strength in multidimensional networks, in SEDB 2013, 2013.
D. Pennacchioli, Rossetti, G., Pappalardo, L., Pedreschi, D., Giannotti, F., and Coscia, M., The Three Dimensions of Social Prominence, in Social Informatics - 5th International Conference, SocInfo 2013, Kyoto, Japan, November 25-27, 2013, Proceedings, 2013.
L. Pappalardo, Rinzivillo, S., Qu, Z., Pedreschi, D., and Giannotti, F., {Understanding the patterns of car travel}, The European Physical Journal Special Topics, vol. 215, pp. 61–73, 2013.
P. Cintia, Pappalardo, L., and Pedreschi, D., Mining efficient training patterns of non-professional cyclists, in 22nd Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems, {SEBD} 2014, Sorrento Coast, Italy, June 16-18, 2014., 2014.
D. Pennacchioli, Rossetti, G., Pappalardo, L., Pedreschi, D., Giannotti, F., and Coscia, M., The patterns of musical influence on the Last.Fm social network, in 22nd Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems, {SEBD} 2014, Sorrento Coast, Italy, June 16-18, 2014., 2014.
S. Rinzivillo, Gabrielli, L., Nanni, M., Pappalardo, L., Pedreschi, D., and Giannotti, F., The purpose of motion: Learning activities from Individual Mobility Networks, in International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics, {DSAA} 2014, Shanghai, China, October 30 - November 1, 2014, 2014.
R. Pellungrini, Pratesi, F., and Pappalardo, L., Assessing Privacy Risk in Retail Data, in Personal Analytics and Privacy. An Individual and Collective Perspective - First International Workshop, PAP 2017, Held in Conjunction with ECML PKDD 2017, Skopje, Macedonia, September 18, 2017, Revised Selected Papers, 2017.
R. Pellungrini, Pappalardo, L., Pratesi, F., and Monreale, A., A Data Mining Approach to Assess Privacy Risk in Human Mobility Data, ACM Trans. Intell. Syst. Technol., vol. 9, pp. 31:1–31:27, 2017.
L. Pappalardo and Simini, F., Data-driven generation of spatio-temporal routines in human mobility, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2017.
R. Pellungrini, Pappalardo, L., Pratesi, F., and Monreale, A., Fast Estimation of Privacy Risk in Human Mobility Data. 2017.
R. Guidotti, Rossetti, G., Pappalardo, L., Giannotti, F., and Pedreschi, D., Market Basket Prediction using User-Centric Temporal Annotated Recurring Sequences, in 2017 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2017.
R. Guidotti, Rossetti, G., Pappalardo, L., Giannotti, F., and Pedreschi, D., Next Basket Prediction using Recurring Sequential Patterns, arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.07158, 2017.
L. Pappalardo and Cintia, P., Quantifying the relation between performance and success in soccer, Advances in Complex Systems, p. 1750014, 2017.
G. Rossetti, Pappalardo, L., Pedreschi, D., and Giannotti, F., Tiles: an online algorithm for community discovery in dynamic social networks, Machine Learning, vol. 106, pp. 1213–1241, 2017.
