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Book Chapter
A. Sirbu, Ruskin, H. J., and Crane, M., Stages of Gene Regulatory Network Inference: the Evolutionary Algorithm Role, in Evolutionary Algorithms, InTech, 2011.
A. Sirbu, Loreto, V., Servedio, V. D. P., and Tria, F., Opinion dynamics: models, extensions and external effects, in Participatory Sensing, Opinions and Collective Awareness, Springer, 2017, pp. 363–401.
V. D. P. Servedio, Caminiti, S., Gravino, P., Loreto, V., Sirbu, A., and Tria, F., Large Scale Engagement Through Web-Gaming and Social Computations, in Participatory Sensing, Opinions and Collective Awareness, Springer, 2017, pp. 237–254.
P. Gravino, Sirbu, A., Becker, M., Servedio, V. D. P., and Loreto, V., Experimental Assessment of the Emergence of Awareness and Its Influence on Behavioral Changes: The Everyaware Lesson, in Participatory Sensing, Opinions and Collective Awareness, Springer, 2017, pp. 337–362.
A. Sirbu, Crane, M., and Ruskin, H. J., EGIA–Evolutionary Optimisation of Gene Regulatory Networks, an Integrative Approach, in Complex Networks V, Springer International Publishing, 2014, pp. 217–229.
M. Atzmueller, Becker, M., Molino, A., Mueller, J., Peters, J., and Sirbu, A., Applications for Environmental Sensing in EveryAware, in Participatory Sensing, Opinions and Collective Awareness, Springer, 2017, pp. 135–155.
