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B. Furletti, Gabrielli, L., Renso, C., and Rinzivillo, S., Analysis of GSM Calls Data for Understanding User Mobility Behavior, IEEE Big Data. Santa Clara, California, 2013.
L. Pappalardo, Simini, F., Rinzivillo, S., Pedreschi, D., and Giannotti, F., Comparing General Mobility and Mobility by Car, in Computational Intelligence and 11th Brazilian Congress on Computational Intelligence (BRICS-CCI CBIC), 2013 BRICS Congress on, 2013.
D. Pennacchioli, Coscia, M., Rinzivillo, S., Pedreschi, D., and Giannotti, F., Explaining the PRoduct Range Effect in Purchase Data, IEEE Big Data. 2013.
B. Furletti, Gabrielli, L., Renso, C., and Rinzivillo, S., Pisa Tourism fluxes Observatory: deriving mobility indicators from GSM call habits, in NetMob Conference 2013, 2013.
F. Pratesi, Monreale, A., Wang, H. Wendy, Rinzivillo, S., Pedreschi, D., Andrienko, G., and Andrienko, N., Privacy-Aware Distributed Mobility Data Analytics, in SEBD, Roccella Jonica, 2013.
A. Monreale, Wang, H. Wendy, Pratesi, F., Rinzivillo, S., Pedreschi, D., Andrienko, G., and Andrienko, N., Privacy-Preserving Distributed Movement Data Aggregation, in Geographic Information Science at the Heart of Europe, D. Vandenbroucke, Bucher, B., and Crompvoets, J., Eds. Springer International Publishing, 2013, pp. 225-245.
G. Andrienko, Andrienko, N., Hunter, C., Rinzivillo, S., and Wrobel, S., Scalable Analysis of Movement Data for Extracting and Exploring Significant Places, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 19, 2013.
M. Coscia, Rinzivillo, S., Giannotti, F., and Pedreschi, D., Spatial and Temporal Evaluation of Network-based Analysis of Human Mobility, Social Network Analysis and Mining, vol. to appear, 2013.
L. Pappalardo, Rinzivillo, S., Qu, Z., Pedreschi, D., and Giannotti, F., {Understanding the patterns of car travel}, The European Physical Journal Special Topics, vol. 215, pp. 61–73, 2013.
S. Rinzivillo, de Siqueira, F. L., Gabrielli, L., Renso, C., and Bogorny, V., Where Have You Been Today? Annotating Trajectories with DayTag, in International Conference on Spatial and Spatio-temporal Databases (SSTD), 2013, pp. 467-471.
V. M. de Lira, Rinzivillo, S., Renso, C., Times, V. C., and Tedesco, P. {\'ı}ciaC. A. R., Investigating semantic regularity of human mobility lifestyle, in 18th International Database Engineering {&} Applications Symposium, {IDEAS} 2014, Porto, Portugal, July 7-9, 2014, Porto, Portugal, 2014, pp. 314–317.
V. M. de Lira, Rinzivillo, S., Times, V. C., and Renso, C., {MAPMOLTY:} {A} Web Tool for Discovering Place Loyalty Based on Mobile Crowdsource Data, in Web Engineering, 14th International Conference, {ICWE} 2014, Toulouse, France, July 1-4, 2014. Proceedings, 2014, pp. 528–531.
M. Nanni, Trasarti, R., Cintia, P., Furletti, B., Renso, C., Gabrielli, L., Rinzivillo, S., and Giannotti, F., Mobility Profiling, in Data Science and Simulation in Transportation Research, IGI Global, 2014, pp. 1-29.
A. Monreale, Rinzivillo, S., Pratesi, F., Giannotti, F., and Pedreschi, D., Privacy-by-Design in Big Data Analytics and Social Mining, EPJ Data Science, vol. 10, 2014.
S. Rinzivillo, Gabrielli, L., Nanni, M., Pappalardo, L., Pedreschi, D., and Giannotti, F., The purpose of motion: Learning activities from Individual Mobility Networks, in International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics, {DSAA} 2014, Shanghai, China, October 30 - November 1, 2014, 2014.
D. Pennacchioli, Coscia, M., Rinzivillo, S., Giannotti, F., and Pedreschi, D., The retail market as a complex system, EPJ Data Science, vol. 3, pp. 1–27, 2014.
R. Guidotti, Monreale, A., Rinzivillo, S., Pedreschi, D., and Giannotti, F., Retrieving Points of Interest from Human Systematic Movements, in Software Engineering and Formal Methods, Springer International Publishing, 2014, pp. 294–308.
L. Gabrielli, Furletti, B., Giannotti, F., Nanni, M., and Rinzivillo, S., Use of mobile phone data to estimate visitors mobility flows, in Proceedings of MoKMaSD, 2014.
