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Conference Paper
F. Giannotti, Nanni, M., Pedreschi, D., and Pinelli, F., Trajectory pattern analysis for urban traffic, in Second International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science, SEATTLE, USA, 2009, pp. 43-47.
F. Giannotti, Nanni, M., Pinelli, F., and Pedreschi, D., Trajectory pattern mining, in KDD, 2007, pp. 330-339.
M. Nanni, Trasarti, R., Furletti, B., Gabrielli, L., Van Der Mede, P., De Bruijn, J., de Romph, E., and Bruil, G., Transportation Planning Based on {GSM} Traces: {A} Case Study on Ivory Coast, in Citizen in Sensor Networks - Second International Workshop, CitiSens 2013, Barcelona, Spain, September 19, 2013, Revised Selected Papers, 2013.
A. Albano, Giannotti, F., Orsini, R., and Pedreschi, D., The Type System of Galileo, in Data Types and Persistence (Appin), 1985, pp. 101-119.
A. Albano, Giannotti, F., Orsini, R., and Pedreschi, D., The Type System of Galileo, in Data Types and Persistence (Appin), Informal Proceedings, 1985, pp. 175-195.
S. Ruggieri and Mesnard, F., Typing Linear Constraints for Moding CLP() Programs, in SAS, 2008, pp. 128-143.
Journal Article
G. Rossetti, Pappalardo, L., Pedreschi, D., and Giannotti, F., Tiles: an online algorithm for community discovery in dynamic social networks, Machine Learning, vol. 106, pp. 1213–1241, 2017.
M. Nanni and Pedreschi, D., Time-focused clustering of trajectories of moving objects, J. Intell. Inf. Syst., vol. 27, pp. 267-289, 2006.
V. Morini, Pollacci, L., and Rossetti, G., Toward a Standard Approach for Echo Chamber Detection: Reddit Case Study, Applied Sciences, vol. 11, p. 5390, 2021.
S. Ceri, Palpanas, T., Valle, E. Della, Pedreschi, D., Freytag, J. - C., and Trasarti, R., Towards mega-modeling: a walk through data analysis experiences, {SIGMOD} Record, vol. 42, pp. 19–27, 2013.
A. Sirbu and Babaoglu, O., Towards operator-less data centers through data-driven, predictive, proactive autonomics, Cluster Computing, pp. 1–14, 2016.
B. Guidi, Michienzi, A., and Rossetti, G., Towards the dynamic community discovery in decentralized online social networks, Journal of Grid Computing, vol. 17, pp. 23–44, 2019.
R. Barbuti, Mancarella, P., Pedreschi, D., and Turini, F., A Transformational Approach to Negation in Logic Programming, J. Log. Program., vol. 8, pp. 201-228, 1990.
A. Rauber, Trasarti, R., and Giannotti, F., Transparency in Algorithmic Decision Making, ERCIM News, 2019.
