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M. Nanni, Trasarti, R., Monreale, A., Grossi, V., and Pedreschi, D., Driving Profiles Computation and Monitoring for Car Insurance CRM, Journal ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST), vol. 8, pp. 14:1–14:26, 2016.
R. Trasarti, Olteanu-Raimond, A. - M., Nanni, M., Couronné, T., Furletti, B., Giannotti, F., Smoreda, Z., and Ziemlicki, C., Discovering urban and country dynamics from mobile phone data with spatial correlation patterns, Telecommunications Policy, p. -, 2014.
B. Furletti, Trasarti, R., Cintia, P., and Gabrielli, L., Discovering and Understanding City Events with Big Data: The Case of Rome, Information, vol. 8, p. 74, 2017.
B. Furletti, Gabrielli, L., Trasarti, R., Smoreda, Z., Vanhoof, M., and Ziemlicki, C., Detecting and understanding big events in big cities, in NetMob, Boston, 2015.
R. Trasarti, Baglioni, M., and Renso, C., DAMSEL: A System for Progressive Querying and Reasoning on Movement Data, in DEXA Workshops, 2009, pp. 452-456.
R. Ortale, Ritacco, E., Pelekis, N., Trasarti, R., Costa, G., Giannotti, F., Manco, G., Renso, C., and Theodoridis, Y., The DAEDALUS framework: progressive querying and mining of movement data, in GIS, 2008, p. 52.
R. Ortale, Ritacco, E., Pelekisy, N., Trasarti, R., Costa, G., Giannotti, F., Manco, G., Renso, C., and Theodoridis, Y., DAEDALUS: A knowledge discovery analysis framework for movement data, in SEBD, 2008, pp. 191-198.
