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Filters: Author is Salvatore Ruggieri  [Clear All Filters]
Journal Article
P. Eirinakis, Ruggieri, S., Subramani, K., and Wojciechowski, P., On quantified linear implications, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, vol. 71, pp. 301–325, 2014.
A. Baroni and Ruggieri, S., Segregation discovery in a social network of companies, Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 2017.
R. Guidotti, Monreale, A., Ruggieri, S., Turini, F., Giannotti, F., and Pedreschi, D., A survey of methods for explaining black box models, ACM computing surveys (CSUR), vol. 51, p. 93, 2018.
S. Ruggieri, Using t-closeness anonymity to control for non-discrimination., Trans. Data Privacy, vol. 7, pp. 99–129, 2014.
D. Pedreschi and Ruggieri, S., Verification of Logic Programs, J. Log. Program., vol. 39, pp. 125-176, 1999.
D. Pedreschi and Ruggieri, S., Verification of Meta-Interpreters, J. Log. Comput., vol. 7, pp. 267-303, 1997.
D. Pedreschi and Ruggieri, S., Weakest Preconditions for Pure Prolog Programs, Inf. Process. Lett., vol. 67, pp. 145-150, 1998.
F. Bonchi, Giannotti, F., Gozzi, C., Manco, G., Nanni, M., Pedreschi, D., Renso, C., and Ruggieri, S., Web Log Data Warehousing and Mining for Intelligent Web Caching, Data and Knowledge Engineering, 2001.
F. Bonchi, Giannotti, F., Gozzi, C., Manco, G., Nanni, M., Pedreschi, D., Renso, C., and Ruggieri, S., Web log data warehousing and mining for intelligent web caching, Data Knowl. Eng., vol. 39, pp. 165-189, 2001.
F. Bonchi, Giannotti, F., Gozzi, C., Manco, G., Nanni, M., Pedreschi, D., Renso, C., and Ruggieri, S., Web log data warehousing and mining for intelligent web caching, Data Knowl. Eng., vol. 39, pp. 165-189, 2001.
