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F. Giannotti, Manco, G., Nanni, M., Pedreschi, D., and Turini, F., Integration of Deduction and Induction for Mining Supermarket Sales Data, in SEBD, 1999, pp. 117-131.
P. Mancarella, Raffaetà, A., Renso, C., and Turini, F., Integrating Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in Geographical, 2004.
P. Mancarella, Raffaetà, A., Renso, C., and Turini, F., Integrating knowledge representation and reasoning in Geographical Information Systems, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, vol. 18, pp. 417-447, 2004.
D. Pedreschi, Ruggieri, S., and Turini, F., Integrating induction and deduction for finding evidence of discrimination, in ICAIL, 2009, pp. 157-166.
B. Furletti, Turini, F., Bellandi, A., Baglioni, M., and Pratesi, C., Improving the Business Plan Evaluation Process: the Role of Intangibles, Quality Technology & Quantitative Management, vol. 7, 2010.
A. Brogi, Chiarelli, A., Mancarella, P., Mazzotta, V., Pedreschi, D., Renso, C., and Turini, F., Implementations of Program Composition Operations, in PLILP, 1994, pp. 292-307.
A. Brogi, Chiarelli, A., Mancarella, P., Mazzotta, V., Pedreschi, D., Renso, C., and Turini, F., Implementations of Program Composition Operations, in PLILP, 1994, pp. 292-307.
A. Brogi, Chiarelli, A., Mancarella, P., Mazzotta, V., Pedreschi, D., Renso, C., and Turini, F., Implementations of Program Composition Operations, pp. 292–307, 1994.
S. Rinzivillo and Turini, F., Extracting spatial association rules from spatial transactions, in ACM GIS, 2005, pp. 79-86.
P. Mukala, Cerone, A., and Turini, F., An exploration of learning processes as process maps in FLOSS repositories. 2015.
F. Giannotti, Manco, G., Pedreschi, D., and Turini, F., Experiences with a Logic-Based Knowledge Discovery Support Environment, in AI*IA, 1999, pp. 202-213.
F. Giannotti, Manco, G., Pedreschi, D., and Turini, F., Experiences with a Logic-based knowledge discovery Support Environment, in 1999 ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Research Issues in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 1999.
F. Turini, Baglioni, M., Furletti, B., and Rinzivillo, S., Examples of Integration of Induction and Deduction in Knowledge Discovery, in Reasoning, Action and Interaction in AI Theories and Systems, 2006, pp. 307-326.
F. Turini, Baglioni, M., Furletti, B., and Rinzivillo, S., Examples of Integration of Induction and Deduction in Knowledge Discovery, in Reasoning, Action and Interaction in AI Theories and Systems, vol. 4155, 2006, pp. 307-326.
A. Raffaetà, Turini, F., and Renso, C., Enhancing GISs for spatio-temporal reasoning, in ACM-GIS, 2002, pp. 42-48.
P. Mukala, Cerone, A., and Turini, F., An empirical verification of a-priori learning models on mailing archives in the context of online learning activities of participants in free\libre open source software (FLOSS) communities, Education and Information Technologies, vol. 22, pp. 3207–3229, 2017.
