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Journal Article
B. Furletti and Turini, F., Knowledge Discovery in Ontologies, Intelligent Data Analysis, vol. 16, 2012.
A. Brogi, Mancarella, P., Pedreschi, D., and Turini, F., Modular Logic Programming, ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst., vol. 16, pp. 1361-1398, 1994.
M. Nanni, Raffaetà, A., Renso, C., and Turini, F., \newblock{A Declarative Framework for Reasoning on Spatio-temporal Data}, 2004.
D. Aquilino, Asirelli, P., Renso, C., and Turini, F., An Operator for Composing Deductive Databases with Theories of Constraints, pp. 57–70, 1995.
M. Nanni, Raffaetà, A., Renso, C., and Turini, F., Spatio-Temporal Data, Spatio-Temporal Databases: Flexible Querying and Reasoning, p. 75, 2013.
F. Giannotti, Manco, G., and Turini, F., Specifying Mining Algorithms with Iterative User-Defined Aggregates, IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng., vol. 16, pp. 1232-1246, 2004.
R. Guidotti, Monreale, A., Ruggieri, S., Turini, F., Giannotti, F., and Pedreschi, D., A survey of methods for explaining black box models, ACM computing surveys (CSUR), vol. 51, p. 93, 2018.
V. Grossi, Romei, A., and Turini, F., Survey on using constraints in data mining, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, vol. 31, pp. 424–464, 2017.
F. Giannotti, Matteucci, A., Pedreschi, D., and Turini, F., Symbolic Evaluation with Structural Recursive Symbolic Constants, Sci. Comput. Program., vol. 9, pp. 161-177, 1987.
V. Ambriola, Giannotti, F., Pedreschi, D., and Turini, F., Symbolic Semantics and Program Reduction, IEEE Trans. Software Eng., vol. 11, pp. 784-794, 1985.
R. Barbuti, Mancarella, P., Pedreschi, D., and Turini, F., A Transformational Approach to Negation in Logic Programming, J. Log. Program., vol. 8, pp. 201-228, 1990.
D. Aquilino, Asirelli, P., Formuso, A., Renso, C., and Turini, F., Using MedLan to Integrate Geographical Data, J. Log. Program., vol. 43, pp. 3-14, 2000.
D. Aquilino, Asirelli, P., Formuso, A., Renso, C., and Turini, F., Using Medlan to Integrate Geographical Data, Journal of Logic Programming, pp. 3–14, 2000.
