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R. Trasarti, Pinelli, F., Nanni, M., and Giannotti, F., Individual Mobility Profiles: Methods and Application on Vehicle Sharing, in Twentieth Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems, {SEBD} 2012, Venice, Italy, June 24-27, 2012, Proceedings, 2012.
L. Milli, Rossetti, G., Pedreschi, D., and Giannotti, F., Information diffusion in complex networks: The active/passive conundrum, in International Workshop on Complex Networks and their Applications, 2017.
S. Hajian, Monreale, A., Pedreschi, D., Domingo-Ferrer, J., and Giannotti, F., Injecting Discrimination and Privacy Awareness Into Pattern Discovery, in 12th {IEEE} International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, {ICDM} Workshops, Brussels, Belgium, December 10, 2012, 2012, pp. 360–369.
F. Giannotti, Manco, G., Nanni, M., Pedreschi, D., and Turini, F., Integration of Deduction and Induction for Mining Supermarket Sales Data, in SEBD, 1999, pp. 117-131.
G. Rossetti, Guidotti, R., Pennacchioli, D., Pedreschi, D., and Giannotti, F., Interaction Prediction in Dynamic Networks exploiting Community Discovery, in International conference on Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining, ASONAM 2015, Paris, France, 2015.
C. Lucchese, Bonchi, F., Giannotti, F., Orlando, S., Perego, R., and Trasarti, R., On Interactive Pattern Mining from Relational Databases, in SEBD, 2006, pp. 329-338.
F. Bonchi, Giannotti, F., Lucchese, C., Orlando, S., Perego, R., and Trasarti, R., On Interactive Pattern Mining from Relational Databases, in KDID, 2006, pp. 42-62.
F. Giannotti, Invited talk: Logical Data Mining Query Languages, in KDID, 2002, p. 1.
L. Pollacci, Guidotti, R., Rossetti, G., Giannotti, F., and Pedreschi, D., The italian music superdiversity, Multimedia Tools and Applications, pp. 1–23, 2018.
F. Giannotti and Manco, G., LDL-M$_{\mbox{ine}}$: Integrating Data Mining with Intelligent Query Answering, in JELIA, 2002, pp. 517-520.
G. Rossetti, Berlingerio, M., and Giannotti, F., Link Prediction su Reti Multidimensionali, in Sistemi Evoluti per Basi di Dati - {SEBD} 2011, Proceedings of the Nineteenth Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems, Maratea, Italy, June 26-29, 2011, 2011.
R. Guidotti, Monreale, A., Ruggieri, S., Pedreschi, D., Turini, F., and Giannotti, F., Local Rule-Based Explanations of Black Box Decision Systems, 2018.
A. Monreale, Pinelli, F., Trasarti, R., and Giannotti, F., Location Prediction through Trajectory Pattern Mining (Extended Abstract), in SEBD, 2010, pp. 134-141.
F. Pinelli, Monreale, A., Trasarti, R., and Giannotti, F., Location prediction within the mobility data analysis environment Daedalus, First International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science. Dublin, Ireland, 2008.
F. Giannotti, Manco, G., and Wijsen, J., Logical Languages for Data Mining, in Logics for Emerging Applications of Databases, 2003, pp. 325-361.
F. Giannotti, Nanni, M., and Pedreschi, D., Logic-Based Knowledge Discovery in Databases, in EJC, 2000, pp. 279-283.
