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S. Ruggieri and Mesnard, F., Typing Linear Constraints for Moding CLP() Programs, in SAS, 2008, pp. 128-143.
S. Ruggieri, Data Anonymity Meets Non-discrimination, in Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), 2013 IEEE 13th International Conference on, 2013.
S. Ruggieri, Learning from polyhedral sets, in Proceedings of the Twenty-Third international joint conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2013.
S. Ruggieri and Turini, F., A KDD process for discrimination discovery, in Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, 2016.
S. Ruggieri, Enumerating Distinct Decision Trees, in International Conference on Machine Learning, 2017.
S. Ruggieri, Introduction to the special issue on Artificial Intelligence for Society and Economy, Intelligenza Artificiale, vol. 9, pp. 23–23, 2015.
S. Ruggieri, Hajian, S., Kamiran, F., and Zhang, X., Anti-discrimination analysis using privacy attack strategies, in Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, 2014.
S. Ruggieri, Using t-closeness anonymity to control for non-discrimination., Trans. Data Privacy, vol. 7, pp. 99–129, 2014.
S. Ruggieri, Eirinakis, P., Subramani, K., and Wojciechowski, P., On the complexity of quantified linear systems, Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 518, pp. 128–134, 2014.