Global Forum on AI for Humanity GFAIH

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2019/10/28 01:00 Europe/Rome
2019/10/30 01:00 Europe/Rome
3 Mazarine conference centre, Institut de France, Paris, France
Global Forum on AI for Humanity GFAIH

The Global Forum on AI for Humanity (GFAIH) takes place in the context of the forthcoming organisation of a Global Partnership on AI (GPAI), as decided at the last G7 summit. It will serve as the formal launch pad for GPAI and will inform GPAI Working Groups’ future agenda.

The GFAIH will gather experts from AI, social sciences, humanities, and engineering, as well as innovators, economic actors, policy makers and civil society representatives in order to:

• reach a common understanding of the perspectives brought by AI, of the challenges to be addressed, and the methods and tools for addressing them
• deliberate about projects, studies and social experiments that can lead to a corpus of shared knowledge and shape R&D agendas
• consider Global Partnership initiatives to put the progress of AI for the benefit of humankind.

The art exhibition of the forum is "Au-delà du Terroir, Beyond AI Art", curated by Emily L. Spratt

The GFAIH is organised under the auspices of the French governement.



