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RefResh 2020 - 2nd workshop on Reframing Research


Over the last decade, research scaled up tremendously in terms of publications, research data, authors, contributing institutions, projects, and funding opportunities. Nowadays scientific progress, with its estimated 150 million literature corpus, an annual increase rate of around 1.5 million publications, and as many (open) research data, promoted research to a multifaceted, high-frequency, global-scale phenomenon that can be approached computationally thanks to the vast amount of data available. It is therefore of paramount importance to study such an articulated, evolving system in order to understand its dynamics, patterns, internal equilibria, and interactions among the diverse scientific actors and entities. In particular, recent studies have proved that a holistic study of research as a complex phenomenon inserted in a delicate socioeconomic and geopolitical context, rather than as an isolated, context-unaware system, can provide a deeper understanding on how research and researchers influence and are influenced by the world outside academia. An analysis as such can provide answers to socio-economic questions, frame academic research on a geopolitical canvas, provide insight on the factors that generate successful science, allocate better the available resources, and therefore benefit from greater impact and efficacy. The main objective of the proposed workshop is to bring together researchers from both quantitative and qualitative studies, practitioners and policy-makers working in the field of academic research, scholarly communication, and knowledge production in order to reframe research in relation to the underlying socioeconomic and geopolitical canvas. In particular, we intend to encourage interdisciplinary analysis that considers research as a complex system that influences and is influenced by society, economics, culture, and politics.


  • Andrea Mannocci, Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), Pisa, Italy -
  • Francesco Osborne, Knowledge Media Institute, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK -
  • Paolo Manghi, Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), Pisa, Italy

Time table
09:00am 09:15am Workshop Opening
09:15am 10:00am Keynote: Ludo Waltman
10:00am 10:15am break
10:15am 10:30am Samin Aref, Andrea Miranda-Gonzalez, Alexander Subbotin, Tom Theile, Emilio Zagheni and Jevin West. Modeling and analysis of migration and mobility among scholars using bibliometric data
10:30am 10:45am Luc Boruta and Damien Vannson. Scholarly Technology and the Fallacy of Profitability
10:45am 11:00am Tobias Weber. Metadata Inheritance: New Research Paper, New Data, New Metadata?
11:00am 11:15am break
11:15am 11:30am Thomas Klebel, Ilaria Fava and Tony Ross-Hellauer. Matthew Effects in Open Science and RRI
11:30am 11:45am Jasmin Sadat and Alexis-Michel Mugabushaka. In Search of Outstanding Research Advances - Exploring Editorial Recommendations
11:45am 12:00pm Angelika Tsivinskaya. Scientific production by universities
12:00pm 12:15pm Marco Angelini and Cinzia Daraio. A Visual Analytics Environment for Developing Data Quality-aware Performance Models
12:15pm 12:30pm Workshop Closing

Human migration - potential areas for combinations of big data


Migration research covers a wide area of disciplines and is typically performed using various data types such as census data, registries and surveys, collected by governmental institutions and national statistics offices. These data suffer from a set of limitations related to time and space resolution, that makes analysis of a cross-border phenomenon such as migration far from straight-forward. Social big data have been proposed to fill some of the gaps and complement traditional data types. Approaches have started to appear, and they promise to enable the construction of new migration-related indices that can provide better time and space resolution. Analysis is difficult here as well, as big data may suffer from selection bias and other issues. It remains to be seen how these data will actually fill the gaps in traditional data, and whether they will open new avenues for migration research. This workshop aims to enable the sharing of experiences with big data and migration among an interdisciplinary set of researchers and audience. We want to bring together not only researchers from academia, but also from institutions working with migration, and industry. The overall objective is to understand better what are the plausible areas of study where big data can make a difference, and what are the methodologies employed to date. The workshop is part of recently funded European project “HumMingBird: Enhanced migration measures from a multidimensional perspective


  • Tuba Bircan, Department of Sociology, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
  • Carlos Arcila Calderón, Department of Sociology and Communication, University of Salamanca, Spain
  • Jisu Kim, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy
  • Alina Sîrbu, Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa, Italy

Time table
Start End Program
8:40pm 9:00am Connection setup
9:00am 9:05am Welcome to HMB2020
Tuba Bircan
Chair: Tuba Bircan
9:05am 9:45am Keynote: Nuria Oliver
Data Science against COVID-19 - the mobility perspective
9:45am 10.05am Contributed talk: Modeling the bias of digital data: an approach to combining digital and survey data to estimate and predict migration trends
Yuan Hsiao, Lee Fiorio, Jonathan Wakefield and Emilio Zagheni
10:05am 10:25am Contributed talk: Detecting hate speech against migrants and refugees in Twitter using supervised text classification
David Blanco-Herrero, Javier Amores, Patricia Sánchez-Holgado, Maximiliano Frías-Vázquez and Carlos Arcila Calderón
10:25am 10:45am Contributed talk: Measuring the European Salad Bowl with Superdiversity
Laura Pollacci, Alina Sîrbu, Fosca Giannotti and Dino Pedreschi
10:45am 11:00am Q&A Session 1
11:00 11:10 BREAK
Chair: Chair Carlos Arcila Calderón
11:10am 11.50am Keynote: Marzia Rango
11:50am 12:10pm Contributed talk: Brain Drain and Brain Gain in Russia: Analyzing International Migration of Researchers by Discipline using Scopus Bibliometric Data 1996-2020
Alexander Subbotin and Samin Aref
12:10pm 12:30pm Contributed talk: Studying Brain Drain with Big (scholarly) Data
Gianmarco Ricciarelli, Laura Pollacci, Letizia Milli and Giulio Rossetti
12:30pm 12:50pm Contributed talk: From Turkey to Europe: Movements of people at the Turkish border in March 2020
Carlos Arcila, Tuba Bircan, Matteo Pignotti, Giulio Rossetti, Albert Ali Salah and Alina Sîrbu
12:50pm 1:05pm Q&A Session 2
Chair: Carlos Arcila Calderón
1:05pm 2:00pm LUNCH
Chair: Chair Alina Sirbu
2:00pm 2:40pm Keynote: Migration and Cultural Change
Hillel Rapoport
2:40pm 3:00pm Contributed talk: Estimating Immigrants Integration by Analyzing Shopping Consumption with Machine Learning
Riccardo Guidotti, Mirco Nanni, Fosca Giannotti, Dino Pedreschi, Simone Bertoli, Biagio Speciale and Hillel Rapoport
2:40pm 3:00pm Contributed talk: Tell us what you think: home and destination attachment for migrants on Twitter Data
Jisu Kim, Alina Sîrbu, Giulio Rossetti, Fosca Giannotti and Hillel Rapoport
3:00pm 3:15pm Q&A Session 3
Chair: Alina Sîrbu
3:15pm Discussion

Information Disorder: Disinformation and Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior (DisInfo’20)


Nowadays, social networking platforms are a crucial component of the public sphere, fostering discussions and influencing the public perception for a myriad of topics including politics, health, climate change, economics, migration, to name but a few. On the one hand, this represents an unprecedented opportunity to discuss and propose new ideas, democratizing information and giving voice to the crowds. On the other hand however, new socio-technical issues arise. Among the most pressing issues is the spread of fictitious and low-quality information (e.g., fake news, rumors, hoaxes). These questionable means are often used to influence the opposing side about controversial and polarizing topics, or simply to sow discord and erode trust in governments, institutions and societies. The spread of low-quality information is sometimes carried out by groups of coordinated or automated accounts that pollute and tamper with our social environments by injecting and resharing a large number of targeted messages. These issues are currently exacerbated by the recent advances in AI that have made it easy and convenient to fabricate plausible texts, to create high-quality images of non-existing people, and to impersonate public characters in videos (e.g., deepfakes), at large. All these aspects jointly contribute to making our online social ecosystems the ideal landscape for deceit and manipulation. Therefore, prompt responses are expected from decision makers, scholars and practitioners in order to limit the spread and impact of these ailments. The International Workshop on “Information Disorders: Fake News and Coordinated Inauthentic Behaviors (DisInfo’20)” focuses on the study, modeling, and characterization of all challenges related to mis- and dis-information, fake news, coordinated inauthentic behavior and information operations.


  • Stefano Cresci — IIT-CNR, Italy -
  • Rajesh Sharma — University of Tartu, Estonia -
  • Walter Quattrociocchi — Ca’Foscari University of Venice, Italy -
  • Maurizio Tesconi — IIT-CNR, Italy -

Time table
Start End Program
9:00am 9:30am Login and setup
9:30am 10:00am First Keynote speech (25'+5'Q)
  • Preslav Nakov and Giovanni Da San Martino:
    Detecting Factuality, Bias and Propaganda in Online News
Session 1
10:00am 10:45am Contributed talks (3 presentations of 12'+3'Q)
  • Emanuele Cozzo, Mario Díez Hermoso, Albert Diaz-Guilera and Luce Prignano:
    Organic and False Amplifier Networks in Online Social Media
  • Serena Tardelli, Leonardo Nizzoli and Marco Avvenuti:
    Investigating Coordinated Behavior on Twitter
  • Gabriele Etta, Alessandro Galeazzi, Matteo Cinelli, Walter Quattrociocchi and Mauro Conti:
    Questionability of hashtags in a segregated environment: the case of Gab
10:45am 11:00am Break
11:00am 11:30am Second Keynote speech (25'+5'Q)
  • Antonio Scala
Session 2
11:30am 12:15am Contributed talks (3 presentations of 12'+3'Q)
  • Margherita Gambini and Fabrizio Falchi:
    Developing and experimenting approaches for DeepFake text detection on Social Media
  • Paola Zola, Guglielmo Cola and Antonio Martella:
    Covid-19 in the Italian Twittersphere
  • Michele Mazza and Guglielmo Cola:
    The role of Twitter fraudulent accounts during the COVID-19 pandemic: a case study

Challenging Misinformation: Exploring Limits and Approaches


The goal of this workshop is to propose an agenda for interdisciplinary research that critically analyses and aggregates socio-technical solutions for limiting misinformation spreading. To this end, the workshop will engage the participants in:

  • Discussing challenges and obstacles related to misinformation from human and technical perspectives;
  • Challenging existing approaches to tackle misinformation and identifying their limitations in technical terms and targeted users;
  • Co-creating future scenarios building on existing solutions.
  • Aiming for a small group of participants to foster interaction and exchange of ideas, the agenda proposes engaging activities that challenge the status-quo and promote creative-thinking towards creating innovative solutions. Participants will be encouraged to ask questions, be critical, active, and bold in the idea-generation process.

  • Organizers:

    • Lara S.G.Piccolo, Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University, UK -
    • Tracie Farrell, Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University, UK -
    • Pinelopi Troullinou, Trilateral Research, Waterford, Ireland -
    • Diotima Bertel, SYNYO GmbH, Vienna, Austria -


    The workshop will take place from 2 to 5 pm and presentations should be from 2:30 to 3:30.

    These are the submissions accepted:

    • COVID CT: Analysis and Detection of Different Conspiracy Theories on YouTube in the context of COVID-19
      Gautam Kishore Shahi, Daniel R ̈ochert, and Stefan Stieglitz
      University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
    • FactCred: Credibility Assessment of Fact-Checking Websites
      Gautam Kishore Shahi and Stefan Stieglitz
      University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
    • Bridging the Gap of Polarization in Public Opinion on Misinformed Topics
      Markus Reiter-Haas1, Beate Kl ̈osch2, Markus Hadler2, and Elisabeth Lex1
      Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria, University of Graz, Graz, Austria
    • Socio-technical Affordances and Vulnerabilities to Misinformation: A Quantitative Study
      Alicia Bargar and Amruta Deshpande
      Graphika, Inc. New York NY 10001, USA

    Workshop Chair

    • Giulio Rossetti, ISTI-CNR, Italy
    • Rémy Cazabet, University of Lyon, France
    Event detail

    Virtual Conference

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