Exploring human mobility and migration with BigData: research at SoBigData.eu​ @ NTTS2017

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At the "Measuring Migrations" workshop, a side event of the NTTS2017 conference, Fosca Giannotti, Dino Pedreschi and Alina Sirbu have contributed with a talk titled "Exploring human mobility and migration with BigData: research at SoBigData.eu​".

​Big Data at a societal scale provide a powerful microscope, which together with Social Mining – the ability of discovering knowledge from these data – can help scientists to understand, nowcast and forecast complex and hidden socio-economic phenomena and make it possible to analyze complex phenomena as human mobility and human migration from new complementary perspective that may empower traditional methods. The seminar will focus on concrete projects with telecom providers and official statistics bureau in Italy and France aimed at measuring, quantifying and possibly predicting key demographic and socio-economic indicators based on nation-wide mobile phone data and other sources of big data. We also discuss initial studies for using unconventional bigdata sources (social networks, mobile phones, bibliographic records) to answer questions like: can we estimate flows and stocks of migrants from mobile phone or twitter data? how does migration affect overall sentiment of a community? what is the extent of migration of highly educated people and what is the effect on the receiving community? how perception on migration changes in space and time through the lens of the debate on social media. What happens when migrants return to their home country?

New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics (NTTS) is an international biennial scientific conference series organised by Eurostat on new techniques and methods for official statistics, and the impact of new technologies on statistical collection, production and dissemination systems.

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