MUSING delivers next-generation knowledge management solutions and services
to enable perceptive business intelligence activities, directly at the End-Users premises.
By applying innovative technological solutions, MUSING provides exclusive services for three business intelligence application areas:
[*] [b]Financial Risk Management[/b]
Development and validation of next generation (Basel II and beyond) semantic-based Business Intelligence (BI) solutions, with particular reference to Credit Risk Management and Access to credit for enterprises, especially Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).
[*] [b]Internationalisation[/b]
Development and validation of next generation semantic-based internationalisation platforms supporting SME internationalisation in the context of global competition by identifying, capturing, representing and localising trusted knowledge.
[*] [b]IT-Operational Risk & Business Continuity[/b]
Semantic-driven knowledge systems for IT operational risk measurement & mitigation, in particular for IT-intensive organisations. Management of business continuity & operational risks of large enterprises and SMEs impacting positively on the related user communities in terms of service levels and costs.