Explaining successful docker images using pattern mining analysis

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TitleExplaining successful docker images using pattern mining analysis
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsGuidotti, R, Soldani, J, Neri, D, Brogi, A
Conference NameFederation of International Conferences on Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations
PublisherSpringer, Cham
AbstractDocker is on the rise in today’s enterprise IT. It permits shipping applications inside portable containers, which run from so-called Docker images. Docker images are distributed in public registries, which also monitor their popularity. The popularity of an image directly impacts on its usage, and hence on the potential revenues of its developers. In this paper, we present a frequent pattern mining-based approach for understanding how to improve an image to increase its popularity. The results in this work can provide valuable insights to Docker image providers, helping them to design more competitive software products.
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