SoBigData: Social Mining and Big Data Ecosystem

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One of the most pressing and fascinating challenges scientists face today, is understanding the complexity of our globally interconnected society. The big data arising from the digital breadcrumbs of human activities promise to let us scrutinize the ground truth of individual and collective behaviour at an unprecedented detail and scale. There is an urgent need to harness these opportunities for scientific advancement and for the social good. The main obstacle to this accomplishment, besides the scarcity of data scientists, is the lack of a large-scale open infrastructure, where big data and social mining research can be carried out. To this end, SoBigData proposes to create the Social Mining & Big Data Ecosystem: a research infrastructure (RI) providing an integrated ecosystem for ethic-sensitive scientific discoveries and advanced applications of social data mining on the various dimensions of social life, as recorded by “big data”. Building on several established national infrastructures, SoBigData will open up new research avenues in multiple research fields, including mathematics, ICT, and human, social and economic sciences, by enabling easy comparison, re-use and integration of state-of-the-art big social data, methods, and services, into new research. It will not only strengthen the existing clusters of excellence in social data mining research, but also create a pan-European, inter-disciplinary community of social data scientists, fostered by extensive training, networking, and innovation activities. In addition, as an open research infrastucture, SoBigData will promote repeatable and open science. Although SoBigData is primarily aimed at serving the needs of researchers, the openly available datasets and open source methods and services provided by the new research infrastructure will also impact industrial and other stakeholders (e.g. government bodies, non-profit organisations, funders, policy makers).
Gambetta, D., G. Mauro, and L. Pappalardo, "Mobility Constraints in Segregation Models", Scientific Reports, vol. 13, pp. 12087, 2023.
Trasarti, R., V. Grossi, M. Natilli, and B. Rapisarda, "SoBigData++: European Integrated Infrastructure for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics.", 30th Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems (SEBD – Sistemi Evoluti per Basi di Dati), Tirrenia, Pisa, 2022.
Guidotti, R., A. Monreale, S. Matwin, and D. Pedreschi, "Black Box Explanation by Learning Image Exemplars in the Latent Feature Space", Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2020//.
Toccaceli, C., L. Milli, and G. Rossetti, "Opinion Dynamic Modeling of Fake News Perception", International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications: Springer, 2020.
Guidotti, R., and G. Rossetti, "“Know Thyself” How Personal Music Tastes Shape the Last.Fm Online Social Network", Formal Methods. FM 2019 International Workshops, Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2020//.
Naretto, F., R. Pellungrini, A. Monreale, F. Maria Nardini, and M. Musolesi, "Predicting and Explaining Privacy Risk Exposure in Mobility Data", Discovery Science, Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2020//.
Lampridis, O., R. Guidotti, and S. Ruggieri, "Explaining Sentiment Classification with Synthetic Exemplars and Counter-Exemplars", Discovery Science, Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2020//.



Against the background of the Covid-19 pandemic, which proves to provide fertile ground to intensify the ‘information disorder’ characterised by conspiracy theories and ‘alternative facts’, it is vital to underline the relevance of science and the

Fosca Giannotti, coordinator of SoBigData, has been chosen by KDnuggets as one of the 19 inspiring women who l

Mettere a disposizione di tutti i dati, in formato aperto, sulle decisioni di investimento pubblico utilizzando il CUP (Codice Unico di Progetto) che da oltre 10 anni identifica le decisioni di investimento pubblico, una chiave univoca in grado di co

Conferenza GARR 2017 - 16 Novembre 2017 - Venezia, Università Ca' foscari

The video, from minute 41, shows Fosca Giannotti's talk at the GARR 2017 Conference.

The increasing availability of large amounts of data and digital footprints has given rise to ambitious research challenges in many fields, which spans from medical research, financial and commercial world, to people and environmental monitoring.

Clustering Individual Transactional Data for Masses of Users

Mining a large number of datasets recording human activities for making sense of individual data is the key enabler of a new wave of personalized knowledge-based services.

A short introduction to the SoBigData EU project (in italian).

C’è una buona notizia in materia di Big Data che arriva da Bruxelles.

In 2000 mobile phone users accounted for 12% of the world’s population. By the end of 2014, this figure had reached 96%, i.e., 6.8 billion people.

Nel 2000 gli utenti della telefonia mobile erano il 12% della popolazione mondiale. A fine 2014 sono il 96%, ovvero 6,8 miliardi di persone.

Toscana Media News
L'algoritmo che fa la spesa in Toscana

19 July 2017
Come si diventa Data Scientist?

9 September 2015
Image by Victorgrigas (Own work) CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Web Site
Start Date
15 June 2015
End Date
31 December 2019
European Project
Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell’Informazione, National Research Council of Italy (ISTI-CNR)