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M. Wachowicz, Ligtenberg, A., Renso, C., and Gürses, S. F., Characterising the Next Generation of Mobile Applications Through a Privacy-Aware Geographic Knowledge Discovery Process, in Mobility, Data Mining and Privacy, Mobility, Privacy, and Geography: a Knowledge Discovery vision, 2008, pp. 39-72.
F. Giannotti, Gozzi, C., and Manco, G., Characterizing Web User Accesses: A Transactional Approach to Web Log Clustering, in ITCC, 2002, p. 312.
L. Gabrielli, Furletti, B., Trasarti, R., Giannotti, F., and Pedreschi, D., City users’ classification with mobile phone data, in IEEE Big Data, Santa Clara (CA) - USA, 2015.
D. Pedreschi, Ruggieri, S., and Smaus, J. - G., Classes of Terminating Logic Programs, CoRR, vol. cs.LO/0106, 2001.
D. Pedreschi, Ruggieri, S., and Smaus, J. - G., Classes of terminating logic programs, TPLP, vol. 2, pp. 369-418, 2002.
M. Coscia, Giannotti, F., and Pedreschi, D., A classification for community discovery methods in complex networks, Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, vol. 4, pp. 512-546, 2011.
S. Rinzivillo and Turini, F., Classification in Geographical Information Systems, in PKDD, 2004, pp. 374-385.
B. Thanh Luong, Ruggieri, S., and Turini, F., Classification Rule Mining Supported by Ontology for Discrimination Discovery, in Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), 2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on, 2016.
F. Bonchi, Giannotti, F., Mainetto, G., and Pedreschi, D., A Classification-Based Methodology for Planning Audit Strategies in Fraud Detection, in KDD, 1999, pp. 175-184.
G. Bachi, Coscia, M., Monreale, A., and Giannotti, F., Classifying Trust/Distrust Relationships in Online Social Networks, in 2012 International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust, {PASSAT} 2012, and 2012 International Confernece on Social Computing, SocialCom 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 3-5, 2012, 2012, pp. 552–557.
K. R. Apt, Gabbrielli, M., and Pedreschi, D., A Closer Look at Declarative Interpretations, J. Log. Program., vol. 28, pp. 147-180, 1996.
V. Grossi, Monreale, A., Nanni, M., Pedreschi, D., and Turini, F., Clustering Formulation Using Constraint Optimization, in Software Engineering and Formal Methods - {SEFM} 2015 Collocated Workshops: ATSE, HOFM, MoKMaSD, and VERY*SCART, York, UK, September 7-8, 2015, Revised Selected Papers, 2015.
R. Guidotti, Monreale, A., Nanni, M., Giannotti, F., and Pedreschi, D., Clustering Individual Transactional Data for Masses of Users, in Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 2017.
A. Zanda, Körner, C., Giannotti, F., Schulz, D., and May, M., Clustering of German municipalities based on mobility characteristics: an overview of results, in GIS, 2008, p. 69.
F. Giannotti, Gozzi, C., and Manco, G., Clustering Transactional Data, in PKDD, 2002, pp. 175-187.
F. Giannotti, Gozzi, C., and Manco, G., Clustering Transactional Data, in SEBD, 2001, pp. 163-176.
S. Marina Joseph, Citraro, S., Morini, V., Rossetti, G., and Stella, M., Cognitive network science quantifies feelings expressed in suicide letters and Reddit mental health communities, arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.15269, 2021.
A. Sirbu, Loreto, V., Servedio, V. D. P., and Tria, F., Cohesion, consensus and extreme information in opinion dynamics, Advances in Complex Systems, vol. 16, p. 1350035, 2013.
L. Passaro, Lebani, G. E., Pollacci, L., Chersoni, E., and Lenci, A., The CoLing Lab system for Sentiment Polarity Classification of tweets, First Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2014 & Fourth International Workshop EVALITA 2014, vol. II, 2 vol. 2014.
I. Brilhante, Berlingerio, M., Trasarti, R., Renso, C., de Macêdo, J. A. F., and Casanova, M. A., ComeTogether: Discovering Communities of Places in Mobility Data, MDM 2012. pp. 268-273, 2012.
V. M. de Lira, Times, V. C., Renso, C., and Rinzivillo, S., ComeWithMe: An Activity-Oriented Carpooling Approach, in 2015 {IEEE} 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2015.
G. Rossetti and Cazabet, R., Community Discovery in Dynamic Networks: a Survey, Journal ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 51, 2018.
L. Milli and Rossetti, G., Community-Aware Content Diffusion: Embeddednes and Permeability, in International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications, 2019.
G. Rossetti, Pappalardo, L., Kikas, R., Pedreschi, D., Giannotti, F., and Dumas, M., Community-centric analysis of user engagement in Skype social network, in International conference on Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining, Paris, France, 2015.
G. Betti, Mulas, A., Natilli, M., Neri, L., and Verma, V., Comparative indicators of regional poverty and deprivation: Poland versus EU-15 Member States, in conference Comparative Economic Analysis of Households‟ Behaviour (CEAHB): Old and New EU Members, Warsaw University, 2005.
