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S. Hajian, Monreale, A., Pedreschi, D., Domingo-Ferrer, J., and Giannotti, F., Injecting Discrimination and Privacy Awareness Into Pattern Discovery, in 12th {IEEE} International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, {ICDM} Workshops, Brussels, Belgium, December 10, 2012, 2012, pp. 360–369.
A. Sirbu, Ruskin, H. J., and Crane, M., Integrating heterogeneous gene expression data for gene regulatory network modelling., Theory Biosci, vol. 131, pp. 95-102, 2012.
B. Furletti and Turini, F., Knowledge Discovery in Ontologies, Intelligent Data Analysis, vol. 16, 2012.
A. S. Furtado, Fileto, R., and Renso, C., M-Attract: Assessing Places Attractiveness by using Moving Objects Trajectories Data, in GEOINFO 2012 Brazilian Conference on Geographical Information Systems, 2012.
S. Ceri, Valle, E. Della, Pedreschi, D., and Trasarti, R., Mega-modeling for Big Data Analytics, in Conceptual Modeling - 31st International Conference {ER} 2012, Florence, Italy, October 15-18, 2012. Proceedings, 2012.
M. Berlingerio, Coscia, M., Giannotti, F., Monreale, A., and Pedreschi, D., Multidimensional networks: foundations of structural analysis, World Wide Web, vol. Volume 15 / 2012, 2012.
M. Coscia, Rinzivillo, S., Pedreschi, D., and Giannotti, F., Optimal Spatial Resolution for the Analysis of Human Mobility, IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining. Instanbul, Turkey, 2012.
A. Sirbu, Kerr, G., Crane, M., and Ruskin, H. J., RNA-Seq vs dual- and single-channel microarray data: sensitivity analysis for differential expression and clustering., PLoS One, vol. 7, p. e50986, 2012.
M. Batty, Axhausen, K. W., Giannotti, F., Pozdnoukhov, A., Bazzani, A., Wachowicz, M., Ouzounis, G., and Portugali, Y., Smart cities of the future, European Physical Journal-Special Topics, vol. 214, p. 481, 2012.
F. Turini and Furletti, B., What else can be extracted from ontologies? Influence Rules, in Software and Data Technologies, Springer, 2012.
M. Francesca Romano and Natilli, M., Wine and Food Tourism First European Conference, Edizioni ETS Pisa, 2012.
D. Marbach, Costello, J. C., Küffner, R., Vega, N. M., Prill, R. J., Camacho, D. M., Allison, K. R., Kellis, M., Collins, J. J., Aderhold, A., Stolovitzky, G., Bonneau, R., Chen, Y., Cordero, F., Crane, M., Dondelinger, F., Drton, M., Esposito, R., Foygel, R., De La Fuente, A., Gertheiss, J., Geurts, P., Greenfield, A., Grzegorczyk, M., Haury, A. - C., Holmes, B., Hothorn, T., Husmeier, D., Huynh-Thu, V. A., Irrthum, A., Karlebach, G., Lebre, S., De Leo, V., Madar, A., Mani, S., Mordelet, F., Ostrer, H., Ouyang, Z., Pandya, R., Petri, T., Pinna, A., Poultney, C. S., Rezny, S., Ruskin, H. J., Saeys, Y., Shamir, R., Sirbu, A., Song, M., Soranzo, N., Statnikov, A., Vega, N. M., Vera-Licona, P., Vert, J. - P., Visconti, A., Wang, H., Wehenkel, L., Windhager, L., Zhang, Y., and Zimmer, R., Wisdom of crowds for robust gene network inference, Nature Methods, vol. 9, pp. 796-804, 2012.
D. Marbach, Costello, J. C., Küffner, R., Vega, N. M., Prill, R. J., Camacho, D. M., Allison, K. R., Kellis, M., Collins, J. J., and Stolovitzky, G., Wisdom of crowds for robust gene network inference., Nat Methods, vol. 9, pp. 796-804, 2012.
M. Coscia, Giannotti, F., and Pedreschi, D., A classification for community discovery methods in complex networks, Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, vol. 4, pp. 512-546, 2011.
A. Monreale, Trasarti, R., Pedreschi, D., Renso, C., and Bogorny, V., C-safety: a framework for the anonymization of semantic trajectories, Transactions on Data Privacy, vol. 4, pp. 73-101, 2011.
G. Tomei and Natilli, M., Dinamiche di impoverimento. Meccanismi, traiettorie ed effetti in un contesto locale. Carocci Editore, 2011.
M. Berlingerio, Coscia, M., and Giannotti, F., Finding and Characterizing Communities in Multidimensional Networks, in ASONAM, 2011, pp. 490-494.
M. Berlingerio, Coscia, M., and Giannotti, F., Finding redundant and complementary communities in multidimensional networks, in CIKM, 2011, pp. 2181-2184.
M. Berlingerio, Coscia, M., Giannotti, F., Monreale, A., and Pedreschi, D., Foundations of Multidimensional Network Analysis, in ASONAM, 2011, pp. 485-489.
G. Andrienko, Andrienko, N., Hurter, C., Rinzivillo, S., and Wrobel, S., From Movement Tracks through Events to Places: Extracting and Characterizing Significant Places from Mobility Data, IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology. 2011.
M. Natilli and Romano, M. Francesca, The impact of wine and food tourism in Italy: an analysis of official statistical data at province level, in First European Conference on Wine and Food Tourism, 2011.
P. Pavone, Natilli, M., and Romano, M. Francesca, The language of tourists in a wine and food blog, in First European Conference on Wine and Food Tourism, 2011.
G. Rossetti, Berlingerio, M., and Giannotti, F., Link Prediction su Reti Multidimensionali, in Sistemi Evoluti per Basi di Dati - {SEBD} 2011, Proceedings of the Nineteenth Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems, Maratea, Italy, June 26-29, 2011, 2011.
L. Leone, Marchitiello, M., Natilli, M., and Romano, M. Francesca, Measuring the effectiveness of homeopathic care through objective and shared indicators, Homeopathy, vol. 100, pp. 212–219, 2011.
B. Furletti and Turini, F., Mining Influence Rules out of Ontologies, in International Conference on Software and Data Technologies (ICSOFT), Siviglia, Spagna, 2011.
