Mobility Profiling

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TitleMobility Profiling
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsNanni, M, Trasarti, R, Cintia, P, Furletti, B, Renso, C, Gabrielli, L, Rinzivillo, S, Giannotti, F
Book TitleData Science and Simulation in Transportation Research
PublisherIGI Global
AbstractThe ability to understand the dynamics of human mobility is crucial for tasks like urban planning and transportation management. The recent rapidly growing availability of large spatio-temporal datasets gives us the possibility to develop sophisticated and accurate analysis methods and algorithms that can enable us to explore several relevant mobility phenomena: the distinct access paths to a territory, the groups of persons that move together in space and time, the regions of a territory that contains a high density of traffic demand, etc. All these paradigmatic perspectives focus on a collective view of the mobility where the interesting phenomenon is the result of the contribution of several moving objects. In this chapter, the authors explore a different approach to the topic and focus on the analysis and understanding of relevant individual mobility habits in order to assign a profile to an individual on the basis of his/her mobility. This process adds a semantic level to the raw mobility data, enabling further analyses that require a deeper understanding of the data itself. The studies described in this chapter are based on two large datasets of spatio-temporal data, originated, respectively, from GPS-equipped devices and from a mobile phone network.
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