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R. Prieto Curiel, Pappalardo, L., Gabrielli, L., and Bishop, S. Richard, Gravity and scaling laws of city to city migration, PLOS ONE, vol. 13, pp. 1-19, 2018.
V. Cozza, Messina, A., Montesi, D., Arietta, L., and Magnani, M., Spatio temporal keyword-queries in Social Networs, 2013.
M. Coscia, Pennacchioli, D., and Giannotti, F., Product assortment and customer mobility, EPJ Data Science, vol. 4, pp. 1–18, 2015.
M. Coscia, Rossetti, G., Giannotti, F., and Pedreschi, D., DEMON: a local-first discovery method for overlapping communities, in The 18th {ACM} {SIGKDD} International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, {KDD} '12, Beijing, China, August 12-16, 2012, 2012.
M. Coscia, Rossetti, G., Giannotti, F., and Pedreschi, D., Uncovering Hierarchical and Overlapping Communities with a Local-First Approach, {TKDD}, vol. 9, p. 6, 2014.
M. Coscia, Rinzivillo, S., Giannotti, F., and Pedreschi, D., Spatial and Temporal Evaluation of Network-based Analysis of Human Mobility, Social Network Analysis and Mining, vol. to appear, 2013.
M. Coscia, Rossetti, G., Giannotti, F., and Pedreschi, D., DEMON: a Local-First Discovery Method for Overlapping Communities, in KDD 2012, 2012.
M. Coscia, Rossetti, G., Pennacchioli, D., Ceccarelli, D., and Giannotti, F., You Know Because I Know”: a Multidimensional Network Approach to Human Resources Problem, in ASONAM 2013, 2013.
M. Coscia, Rinzivillo, S., Pedreschi, D., and Giannotti, F., Optimal Spatial Resolution for the Analysis of Human Mobility, IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining. Instanbul, Turkey, 2012.
M. Coscia, Giannotti, F., and Pensa, R. G., Social Network Analysis as Knowledge Discovery Process: A Case Study on Digital Bibliography, in ASONAM, 2009, pp. 279-283.
M. Coscia, Giannotti, F., and Pensa, R. G., Social Network Analysis as Knowledge Discovery Process: A Case Study on Digital Bibliography, in ASONAM, 2009, pp. 279-283.
M. Coscia, Giannotti, F., and Pedreschi, D., A classification for community discovery methods in complex networks, Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, vol. 4, pp. 512-546, 2011.
G. Cornacchia and Pappalardo, L., A Mechanistic Data-Driven Approach to Synthesize Human Mobility Considering the Spatial, Temporal, and Social Dimensions Together, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, vol. 10, p. 599, 2021.
G. Cornacchia, Rossetti, G., and Pappalardo, L., Modelling Human Mobility considering Spatial, Temporal and Social Dimensions, arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.02371, 2020.
G. Cornacchia and Pappalardo, L., STS-EPR: Modelling individual mobility considering the spatial, temporal, and social dimensions together, 2021.
G. Cornacchia, Böhm, M., Mauro, G., Nanni, M., Pedreschi, D., and Pappalardo, L., How Routing Strategies Impact Urban Emissions, in Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, New York, NY, USA, 2022.
L. Corciulo, Giannotti, F., and Pedreschi, D., Datalog with Non-Deterministic Choice Computes NDB-PTIME, in DOOD, 1993, pp. 49-66.
L. Corciulo, Giannotti, F., Pedreschi, D., and Zaniolo, C., Expressive Power of Non-Deterministic Operators for Logic-based Languages, in Workshop on Deductive Databases and Logic Programming, 1994, pp. 27-40.
L. Corbucci, Heikkila, M. A., Noguero, D. Solans, Monreale, A., and Kourtellis, N., PUFFLE: Balancing Privacy, Utility, and Fairness in Federated Learning, 2024.
L. Corbucci, Guidotti, R., and Monreale, A., Explaining Black-Boxes in Federated Learning, in Explainable Artificial Intelligence, Cham, 2023.
L. Corbucci, Monreale, A., Panigutti, C., Natilli, M., Smiraglio, S., and Pedreschi, D., Semantic Enrichment of XAI Explanations for Healthcare, 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 2022.
L. Corbucci, Monreale, A., and Pellungrini, R., Enhancing Privacy and Utility in Federated Learning: A Hybrid P2P and Server-Based Approach with Differential Privacy Protection, in Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography - SECRYPT, 2024.
P. Contucci, Panizzi, E., Ricci-Tersenghi, F., and Sirbu, A., Egalitarianism in the rank aggregation problem: a new dimension for democracy, Quality & Quantity, pp. 1–16, 2015.
S. Citraro and Rossetti, G., A complex network approach to semantic spaces: How meaning organizes itself, in SEBD, 2019.
