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A. Wierzbicki, Brandes, U., Schweitzer, F., and Pedreschi, D., Advances in Network Science: 12th International Conference and School, NetSci-X 2016, Wroclaw, Poland, January 11-13, 2016, Proceedings. 2016.
R. Wagner, de Macêdo, J. A. F., Raffaetà, A., Renso, C., Roncato, A., and Trasarti, R., Mob-Warehouse: A semantic approach for mobility analysis with a Trajectory Data Ware- house, in SecoGIS 2013 - International Workshop on Semantic Aspects of GIS, Joint to ER conference 2013, Hong Kong, 2013.
M. Wachowicz, Ligtenberg, A., Renso, C., and Gürses, S. F., Characterising the Next Generation of Mobile Applications Through a Privacy-Aware Geographic Knowledge Discovery Process, in Mobility, Data Mining and Privacy, Mobility, Privacy, and Geography: a Knowledge Discovery vision, 2008, pp. 39-72.
M. Wachowicz, Ong, R., and Renso, C., Tailoring Moving Patterns to Contexts, in AGILE Conference, Leuven, Belgium, 2013, 2013.
M. Wachowicz and Renso, C., Spatio and Spatio-temporal Reasoning and Decision Support Tools, in Entry at Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining, Springer., 2013.
M. Wachowicz, de Macêdo, J. A. F., Renso, C., and Ligtenberg, A., {The Role of a Multi-tier Ontological Framework in Reasoning to Discover Meaningful Patterns of Sustainable Mobility}, 2009.
F. Turini, Baglioni, M., Furletti, B., and Rinzivillo, S., Examples of Integration of Induction and Deduction in Knowledge Discovery, in Reasoning, Action and Interaction in AI Theories and Systems, vol. 4155, 2006, pp. 307-326.
F. Turini, Furletti, B., Baglioni, M., Spinsanti, L., and Bellandi, A., Ontology-Based Business Plan Classification, in Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC), 2008.
F. Turini and Furletti, B., What else can be extracted from ontologies? Influence Rules, in Software and Data Technologies, Springer, 2012.
F. Turini, Baglioni, M., Furletti, B., and Rinzivillo, S., Examples of Integration of Induction and Deduction in Knowledge Discovery, in Reasoning, Action and Interaction in AI Theories and Systems, 2006, pp. 307-326.
R. Trasarti, Bonchi, F., and Goethals, B., A new technique for sequential pattern mining under regular expressions, in SEBD, 2009, pp. 325-332.
R. Trasarti, Guidotti, R., Monreale, A., and Giannotti, F., MyWay: Location prediction via mobility profiling, Information Systems, vol. 64, pp. 350–367, 2017.
R. Trasarti, Pinelli, F., Nanni, M., and Giannotti, F., Mining mobility user profiles for car pooling, in KDD, 2011, pp. 1190-1198.
R. Trasarti, Giannotti, F., Nanni, M., Pedreschi, D., and Renso, C., A Query Language for Mobility Data Mining, IJDWM, vol. 7, pp. 24-45, 2011.
R. Trasarti, Pinelli, F., Nanni, M., and Giannotti, F., Individual Mobility Profiles: Methods and Application on Vehicle Sharing, in Twentieth Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems, {SEBD} 2012, Venice, Italy, June 24-27, 2012, Proceedings, 2012.
R. Trasarti, Rinzivillo, S., Pinelli, F., Nanni, M., Monreale, A., Renso, C., Pedreschi, D., and Giannotti, F., Exploring Real Mobility Data with M-Atlas, in ECML/PKDD (3), 2010, pp. 624-627.
R. Trasarti, Grossi, V., Natilli, M., and Rapisarda, B., SoBigData++: European Integrated Infrastructure for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics., 30th Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems (SEBD – Sistemi Evoluti per Basi di Dati). Tirrenia, Pisa, 2022.
R. Trasarti, Olteanu-Raimond, A. - M., Nanni, M., Couronné, T., Furletti, B., Giannotti, F., Smoreda, Z., and Ziemlicki, C., Discovering urban and country dynamics from mobile phone data with spatial correlation patterns, Telecommunications Policy, p. -, 2014.
R. Trasarti, Baglioni, M., and Renso, C., DAMSEL: A System for Progressive Querying and Reasoning on Movement Data, in DEXA Workshops, 2009, pp. 452-456.
G. Tomei and Natilli, M., Dinamiche di impoverimento. Meccanismi, traiettorie ed effetti in un contesto locale. Carocci Editore, 2011.
G. Tomei, Paletti, F., and Natilli, M., Stiramenti identitari. Strategie di integrazione degli strannieri nella provincia di Massa Carrara tra appartenenza etnica ed esperienza transnazionale, 2011.
