On the second issue of the ISTI News newsletter you'll find a description of the new Ph.D...
On the second issue of the ISTI News newsletter you'll find a description of the new Ph.D...
The increasing interest on data science from both the academic and industrial worlds led to the creation of a brand new Ph.D...
The European Data Protection Supervisor has invited Dino Pedreschi to a panel on the ethical aspects related to Smart Cities, during the Data Driven Life Workshop..
One of the most difficult tasks for scientists and researchers is to communicate the results of their activities and the effects on the everyday life...
La rivoluzione digitale sta abbattendo la distanza fra il mondo fisico e quello "online"...
Today at the Aula Magna of Polo Fibonacci in Pisa, Dino Pedreschi has been awarded the Ordine del Cherubino by the Rector of the University of Pisa for his scientific and cultural achievements and for the contribu..
At the "Measuring Migrations" workshop, a side event of the NTTS2017 conference, Fosca Giannotti, Dino Pedreschi and Alina Sirbu have contributed with a talk titled "Exploring human mobility and migration..
Dino Pedreschi on Radio Radio is talking about a study from the students of the Master in Big Data on how the TV series and Big Data can be used in order forecast th..
Dino Pedreschi has been interviewed by the Italian national broadcasting radio on how Big Data can be used in order to forecast the election result...
Intervista ad Anna Monreale a margine del forum di Abiformazione su "I Big Data per l'industria bancaria e finanziaria", 25 e 26 Ottobre 2016, Roma..
Anna Monreale all'evento BigDataTech ha descritto un progetto di ricerca nel contesto retail che mostra un nuovo approccio per la gestione dei dati personali basato su un modello di tipo user-centric...
Paolo Cintia and Luca Pappalardo have joined the conversation on sports at Radio Aula 40 talking about sports analytics...
The victory of Donald Trump, Big Data and the role of social networks at the italian Rai Radio 1. Dino Pedreschi interviewed with Federico Rampini and Simone Cosimi, journalists...
The first issue of the ISTI News newsletter features the paper "Going beyond GDP to nowcast well-being using retail market data" by Riccardo Guidotti and Dino Pedreschi and the ISTI Young Researcher Award..