Pappalardo Luca

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Born in Salerno (Italy), I earned my PhD in Computer Science at University of Pisa with the thesis "Human Mobility, Social Networks and Economic Development: a Data Science perspective". In my research, I exploit the power of Big Data to study many aspects of human behavior: the patterns of human mobility, the structure and evolution of complex networks, the patterns of success in sports, and the usage of data-driven measures of human behavior to monitor and predict the economic development of countries, cities, and territories.
Human Mobility
Social Networks Analysis
Sports Analytics
2013 ISTI-CNR Grant for Young Mobility
2014 ISTI-CNR Young Researcher Award
2014 Google-ISTAT context on Big Data Award
January-August 2014 Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), Budapest, Hungary
January-August 2014 Researcher at Central European University (CEU), Budapest, Hungary
April-July 2013 Visiting scientist at Barabasi Lab, Northeastern University, Boston (USA)
September-December 2012 Visiting scientist at Barabasi Lab, Northeastern University, Boston (USA)
September 2013 Visiting scientist at Departamento de Informatica, Pontificia Universidade do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
2014 PhD in Computer Science at University Pisa
2010 Master Degree in Computer Science at University of Salerno
2007 Bachelor Degree in Computer Science at University of Salerno
2007 Diploma Degree in Piano and Music at Conservatory of Salerno
"Art is anything you can do well, anything you can do with Quality." R. Pirsig
Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell’Informazione, National Research Council of Italy (ISTI-CNR)
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Prevedere è meglio che curare: A.I. al servizio dello sport | Luca Pappalardo | TEDxTrento

I dati estratti dai dispositivi di monitoraggio delle prestazioni e l'intelligenza artificiale sono oggi potenti strumenti a disposizione di uno staff tecnico sportivo, consentendo una precisione senza precedenti nella previsione degli infortuni d

Il KDD-Lab, laboratorio congiunto tra Cnr e Università di Pisa, insieme con Windtre, l’Istituto Superiore di Sanità, la Fondazione Bruno Kessler e altri centri di ricerca italiani ed internazionali, ha analizzato la relazione tra la mobilità dei c

Exploring football match events in Python

An entry level video on football analytics in Python. Luca Pappalardo talks through:

Luca Pappalardo has been interviewed by SuperQuark Piu' (RaiPlay) about the status of research in Sports Analytics.

The largest collection ever of spatio-temporal data of soccer matches is made public on Scientific Data. A crucial resource for the developing of Sports Analytics.

Soccer & Data Cup - Genova

Dal 4 al 6 aprile si e' svolto a Genova il primo torneo di calcio & dati nella cornice dell'evento Futura 2019 organizzato dal MIUR.

On the fourth issue of the ISTI News newsletter you'll find the papers "Clustering individual transactional data for masses of users" by Riccardo Guidotti, Anna Monreale, Mirco Nanni, Fosca Giannotti, Din

On the second issue of the ISTI News newsletter you'll find a description of the new Ph.D.

One of the most difficult tasks for scientists and researchers is to communicate the results of their activities and the effects on the everyday life.
