Sports analytics have evolved in recent years in an amazing way, thanks to automated or semi-automated sensing technologies that provide high-fidelity data streams extracted from every game. In the lab we are investigating data-driven approaches to boost the understanding of sports performance, in two main context: cycling and football..
The largest collection ever of spatio-temporal data of soccer matches is made public on Scientific Data. A crucial resource for the developing of Sports Analytics.
Big Data applied to soccer: Paolo Cintia and Luca Pappalardo are interviewed by Zona Cesarini, a sport program on Rai Radio 1, the Italian national radio broadcasting network.
Un computer a disposizione di un allenatore era un’utopia, nel 1973. La storia dei dati e del calcolo applicato al calcio non poteva che cominciare in un posto dove di utopia, nel 1973, se ne intendevano: l’Unione Sovietica.